Friday, November 19, 2010

3 Months and Counting

Today marks exactly 3 months until my sweet little baby girl is due to come into this world! I can't hardly stand my excitement most days! And then other days, I get fearful... fearful, mostly of the unknown. We have been going through the child-birth classes and those have definitely helped me know what I am in for, but I just don't think that you ever know until you get there... and they say every labor and delivery is different! We talked about inducing in the class last week. And they said that this is something that we need to talk about sooner than later-- so that if it comes up later, we don't freak out about it. To be honest, there is a part of it that sounds awesome... knowing the exact date and being able to plan around that date... I am such a planner!!! But the other side of it is, then you are stuck in a hospital bed all day because they legally HAVE to monitor you all the time! No walking the halls, no sitting at home relaxing (all things that help labor progress)... just sitting in the hospital bed...waiting. That doesn't sound as fun to me! (Not that this labor thing is going to be fun, but I might as well try to make it as enjoyable as possible, right?!) And even more so since I would like to try to do it all naturally... I think I would like to be able to walk around and manage the pain different ways. If it is medically necessary, no problemo! INDUCE! :) We shall see... Definitely something to ponder. If any of you moms have any thoughts, feel free to pass them on!

I think little Collins has her daddy's personality right now. Man, is she a kicker and mover!!! I mean, some days, I literally have 2 hours when she is sleeping... just praying that this changes when she graces us with her presence!

I shared with my community group last night that I am just so tired right now. I am physically, emotional, and spiritually drained. There was a sermon on saying "No" a couple weeks back, and boy do I need to take it to heart! I want to do EVERYTHING and the reality is... I just can't. I think to that I have heard so many people use pregnancy as an excuse to not do things... and that drives me crazy... so I don't want to be that person and I flip flop on the other end... where I don't say no to much! Lord, please help me to start saying "no" and help me to realize that people won't think less of me when I do say "no".

The nursery is definitely coming along! I can't wait to get more pictures up when we get back from Thanksgiving. My grandma made the bedding so we will be picking it up while we are there next week!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT!!! AH! The walls are painted, the decal will be going up tonight, along with the curtains, even though I have to sew some more fabric on the curtains later... The crib is painted and stained... my dad will be finishing the dresser this weekend. And Damon and I are going to find a chair Saturday afternoon! Only things left... wall decorations, twin bed/reading pallet, headboard, and a new lamp and side table, and pillows... I can't wait to see it all come together!! :) I am praying that I get a sewing machine for my birthday in a couple weeks so that I can start doing the pillows on my own!! :) YEAH!

That was a much longer update than I was thinking... but there you go!! With Thanksgiving around the corner, I realize that I have so much to be thankful for! Including this healthy baby girl growing inside me! We will be headed up to the cold state of Minnesota to visit my extended family! I can't wait! Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. I hope you have a great time in MN! I wish I could be there, but we choose Christmastime to converge with the whole fam! I pray that everything just goes the way it is supposed to go with your birth...the unknown is very scary, but it's also so nice to know that we have a God that is SO good and lets us experience an learn so that we will be pure as gold! As much as we mothers want to believe otherwise, your little baby is His, and He will give you everything you need to take care of her, if you just ask! I would pick your mom's brain as to how her pregnancies went- I've found that is the best predictor of how yours will go! Love you!

  2. I had the option of being induced a week early, but Rachel came 5 days early. I didn't even know I was in labor for most of it. Going into labor naturally is less painful, in my opinion, and the way to go. I was very happy I was not induced, but I did LOVE my epidural.

  3. Can't wait to see you and your belly next week! :)Oh, and Damon too of course. ;)
