I still can't believe this as I am typing it out... Damon and I are PREGNANT! We are expecting our first baby!!! AHH!! I am due February 19, 2011! So, just about 6 months away... and I know that this time is going to fly by!

So... I am sure that there are several questions that you are all wondering... because I and this are just that important!! Haha! :)
1) When did you find out? Well, I found out on June 16th. I was totally thinking that the test was going to be negative... seeing as we had been trying for 7 months and I had been told that I wasn't going to conceive without medication. I hadn't taken the medication, but I hadn't started either-- so one morning, out of the blue, I just thought that I should take a test... and see what happens! Thinking it was going to be negative, I didn't think about the fact that Damon had left to go out of town on business. So... I was home by MYSELF! When the test came back positive, I just kept thinking "OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!". So to tell Damon, I took a picture with my phone of the positive test and sent a text to Damon saying "Oh my gosh!". Well, he called like 2 seconds later, so I know he hadn't received it yet! (He calls every morning to make sure I am awake for my diabetic stuff.) He told me that he could tell by my shaky voice that my blood sugar was low and that I needed to eat... I told him it wasn't, but he insisted so I said, "Ok, but I just sent you a text, please check that and call me back!"... So he did... and he said "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Ha! :) Then, I cried... happy happy tears!!
2) When did we tell the family? And how? Well, we didn't tell anyone for 2 weeks!! WHICH WAS SOO HARD!!! We told my family in FL on vacation through a newspaper article I wrote (which we actually pasted in a newspaper from SanDestin)! I have posted it below for you to see! We used the same paper to tell Damon's mom and sister when they came for a visit in early July. We had a harder time telling Damon's dad and step mom and little sisters because they were in the Dominican Republic for a long mission trip! So we told them via skype. We couldn't get them all together (crazy bunch of people wouldn't come together!), so we told Ellie that she should go get everyone because she was going to be an AUNT! She was super excited and got everyone else finally and we were able to let them know!

3) How am I feeling? Well, that is the question of the day!! And it definitely depends on the day! I have had some morning sickness (still having some 12.5 weeks in), but at least I am not throwing up every day! I had really bad headaches for awhile, but those have finally subsided... which I am EVER so thankful for!! My blood sugars have been a little crazy... it is crucial to my health and that of the baby that these get stabilized... I am working really hard to do so!
4) Lastly, things you can pray for:
- Blood sugars/health of Lindsey
- Health of baby
- Work... not sure what we are going to do right now... but those decisions definitely need to be made.
- Insurance-- we would love to be able to get my (Lindsey's) insurance through Damon's work so that I can work part time. It is a necessity being a diabetic-- so it really isn't an option... Please pray that Damon's company would understand and help us out!!
- God would continue to prepare our hearts and heads for what is about to change our lives!
We are so excited and glad to finally be able to share this news with you! Enjoy the pictures below... No belly pictures yet-- as I am not showing at all and still in my skinny jeans!!! :) Not for long, I am sure!!
This is so exciting! Congrats!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat!!?? A baby Damon? Yikes! Well, a baby Lindsay (even though we haven't met yet)would be better. ctmq. I'll never forgot being SCARed to death (1/2 to death) by Damon when I was a Youth leader at Devo. I love you D. I am so happy for you both. What a blessed baby to have you 2 as parents, not to mention the great grandparents and aunts. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteWe are so excited for you both! What fun : -) Remember, you've always got a place in sunny So Cal! Love you both (I mean 3)
ReplyDeleteAunt Marti & Uncle Tom
We are so excited for you! Congrats Lindsey! You'll love being a Mom!