Dr. Chatelain did a couple more detailed views-- one to ensure that she was still a she! SHE IS!! And two, to check for a cleft pallet-- which she doesn't have!! Everything checked out normal! Below are some pictures! I hope you love seeing her as much as I do because I just can't get enough of her sweet little face and legs and feet and hands and heart!
Her upper body (like she is laying down).

Her heart-- has 4 chambers and is beating 154 beats a minute!

Her little face! (Doc said it was still hard to tell who she looks like!) Ha!

This is the detailed view of her nose and chin (it's sideways) when he was checking for cleft pallet. Totally a cute little nose and chin! :)

Her foot-- which is about 1 1/4 inch long!

Her little hand.

And then he said, "I did tell you, you were having a girl last time, right?! Cause it is DEFINITELY a girl!" Whew! :)

I can't believe that we are already almost to the half way point of meeting our little Collins. 20 weeks on Saturday! CRAZY! I will post another belly pic soon... still not showing a ton, but you can definitely tell that I have put on some weight... though as of right now, I have only gained about 3 pounds! I know it will catch up, so for now... I'll take those 3 pounds!
My prayers this week:
- She would continue to grow healthy.
- My blood sugars would continue to be good (they have bene great!).
- For energy... I have had something every night since last Tuesday and haven't been at home much... making this pregnant girl TIRED!
- Doctor's Appoints... I have 3 over the next 3 weeks. I know these are good, but I really don't like the doctor-- I think it was God's sense of humor giving my diabetes... or I would probably NEVER go! Ha!
- Decisions on visiting family! Damon's extended family is in CA, his mom and step dad are in Idaho, his dad and step mom in Washington, my extended family in Minnesota-- we want to see EVERYONE and introduce Collins to all of them... but finding the money and vacation time is going to be a challenge!
- My job. I have decided to stay on part time at Fellowship Associates (20 hours total, 10 from home, 10 in the office). This will be good, but I want the transition to be smooth and find someone to help out when I am not around who just works well alongside me!
I think that is it! Have a great afternoon! I am headed to get some lunch! :)